Daily Inspiration, for 5 January 2022

by | Jan 5, 2022 | Inspiration

Today’s quote turns our typical thoughts and perceptions of experience on its head. Generally, we think of experience something that happens to us, having gone through a particular situation, and from which hopefully, we would have gained some knowledge and insight that we can apply in future situations.

However, that perception of experience is somewhat passive. We are waiting for future situations in which we may be able to draw on what we had learned in the past.

Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, is suggesting a slight shift in our approach, and how we view the experience we possess. Experience provides us with wisdom and knowledge to do and act differently. Past experiences are not just badges of honor or markers of the challenges we have overcome. They are also tools that we can leverage – not only in our current and future lives, but also to help others.



Best wishes, and have a great day!