The greatest and most powerful relationship of a woman’s life, is the one she should be having with herself.

Deep with the heart of most women, self-love is a challenge. We have been conditioned to put others’ needs before our own. And regardless of our individual or professional accomplishments, our value by society’s standards, is based on whether we have people in our lives – particularly a husband and children – whose wellbeing we will put first.

Journey to Growth seeks to create a safe space, particularly for black, indigenous and women of colour, to focus on and nurture themselves. Among communities and societies that comprise primarily black, indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), traditional female roles tend to be more pronounced, but with little or no support or respite resources available. Journey to Growth wants to pull back the façade we all wear, so that we, women, can all learn to:

  • love and care for ourselves more;
  • embrace our journey so far, with all of its joys and tribulations; and
  • become better equipped for the adventures that lie ahead.

We are of the view that the greatest and most powerful (and most intimate) relationship of a woman’s life, is the one she should be having with herself. So regardless of the relationships she has as wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, etc., we really want to ensure that every woman continues to be attuned to not only who she is and to her truth, but also to feel more empowered take hold of her future and who she wants to be.

Do join us on this exciting journey!