The pivotal thought behind today’s quote might be that of regret. Do you regret certain experiences, or certain parts of your life?
The truth is that all of your experiences have shaped you into the person you are, and will continue to shape you into the person you are becoming. We often focus on the ‘big ticket’ experiences, such as those considered key milestones. We carefully contemplate our decisions, the pros, cons and implication, in the hope of not making a ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ decision. At the same time, we disregard the dozens of small experiences that we are having, along with the small and seemingly insignificant decisions that we are making every single day.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- Am I living with regret?
- Do I hate some of my past experiences?
- How can I reconcile myself with the past experiences that I hate?
- How might I pay better attention to the experiences I am having every day?
Best wishes, and have a great day!