This thought challenges many of the habits we have developed as a means of survival. As women, we are told that there is ‘safety in numbers’, so we are constantly looking for persons to accompany us on our journey.
However, in having company on your journey, it means that you are no longer embarking on a journey made for you, and you alone. It is similar to the difference between shopping by yourself and shopping with a friend. You are likely to accompany that friend to stores you have no particular interest in, and vice versa. And so compromises and negotiations are inherent in those situations.
Having said this, there can be merit in having company, and this approach might serve you well for a while. However, if you are to overcome obstacles, breakdown barriers and achieve your fullest potential, you need to travel alone.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- To what degree do I need company on my life journey?
- Am I aware of the compromises and negotiations I have made (or am making) to keep my companions happy?
- How prepared am I to walk (parts of) my journey alone?
Best wishes, and have a great day!