Daily Inspiration, for 19 February 2022 

by | Feb 19, 2022 | Inspiration

If there is anyone who can give a testimony about being able to change her future merely by changing her attitude, it is Oprah Winfrey. Born into poverty, getting pregnant at 14, but from these dire circumstances, she became the most powerful woman in television, a trailblazer and a billionaire.

We sometimes a scenario see play out in friends or associates who might be down on their luck. They want their circumstances to change, but their mindset and attitude remain unchanged. They may be hoping that their situation – that which is external to them – will improve, and thereafter, they will adjust. However, what this quote is suggesting is that there is a greater chance of success, of us changing our future, if we start from within.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Is there a situation I am hoping will change?
  • What is my attitude where that situation is concerned?
  • Am I prepared to change my attitude, in order to change my future?



Best wishes, and have a great day!