Daily Inspiration, for 7 March 2022

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Inspiration

In our younger days, we tend to be more inclined to live by our emotions, and let them rule the decisions and choices we make. Over time, we realise how fickle our emotions can be, as well as how easily they can be manipulated. And so we wise up, by trying to introduce rational thought, and the lessons learned from past experiences, into the mix.

As we get older, the decisions and choices we need to make tend to get more complicated, as the stakes also tend to be higher. Also, the choices we make may no longer just be affecting us, but also others in our care.

It is with this in mind that we ought to remember that even as we get older, our feelings can still be fickle. So important life decisions should not to be based solely on feelings, but ought to take into account among other things, your commitments to others, your commitments to yourself, and the lessons you have learned in life so far.



Best wishes, and have a great day!