Daily Inspiration, for 23 March 2022

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Inspiration

We have all done it before. We have admired something that someone else possesses:  a lovely handbag; a great pair of shoes; a fantastic figure; etc. Being able to appreciate what others might have is not necessarily a bad thing. The problem arises if we covet what they have, or seek to compare ourselves with them.

Each of us walks a different path in life. And yes, there will always be someone who appears to have more than you – in some respect. But usually we are fixating on one small aspect, in which someone might appear to have more or be performing better, and somehow we wonder why we don’t also have ‘that’.

However, when you compare yourself with others, essentially, you are telling yourself that someone else is better than you: that you are not enough. In other words, it means that you are disregarding yourself and your efforts, and in some ways it seems to be a form of self-sabotage.

It is thus important that you continually remind yourself, should you believe someone has more of something that you might also like to possess, it does not make you, or what you have, any less valuable. Moreover, there is strength to be drawn from quelling the urge to compare, engage in self-sabotage and undermine your own self-esteem.



Best wishes, and have a great day!