We all find it easy to identify our flaws. If we are asked to list the things we like and don’t like about ourselves, invariably, the list of negatives is much longer than the positives.
Having said this, there can be a sense that our flaws are just to be tolerated, and if necessary, avoided. However, what today’s quote is encouraging is greater self-acceptance.
In a similar vein, we have all had disastrous or painful experiences that we want to forget. We rarely bring them to mind, and should it happen, we are quick to push them down and get as far away from them as possible. However, in doing so, aren’t we not acknowledging parts of ourselves as well?
When are able to confront our flaws and difficult experiences, we give ourselves the opportunity to grow: to continue learn to give ourselves grace, to forgive ourself, and to accept ourselves, flaws, bad decisions, and all.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- What are the things I like about myself?
- What are the things I do not like about myself?
- How do I view painful past experiences?
- What might be ways I can (begin to) make peace with those painful past experiences?
Best wishes, and have a great day!