Daily Inspiration, for 1 May 2022

by | May 1, 2022 | Inspiration

We all do it. We dwell on unhappy thoughts and painful memories. Before you know it, you are reliving an experience or having thoughts that can fill you with a host of negative emotions:  anxiety, insecurity, anger, rage, sadness, to name just a few.

Although you need to process these difficult thoughts and experiences, sometimes, you can find ourself stuck, with your mind constant jumping back to those thoughts and memories – to the point where you are also fed up of feeling that you are the mercy of your mind and emotions. This experience of feeling stuck tends to occur when an experience is relatively fresh, and you are still trying to come to terms with what has occurred. Nevertheless, there may come a point where your mental and emotional health can be compromised, if the situation is not managed.

It is in this regard that letting go of these unhappy thoughts and memories can be a form of self-care. However, it is emphasised that ‘letting go’ does not necessarily mean letting go forever. Rather, it is letting go until you are in a better state of mind to process an experience. When there is a bit of distance between you and the experience or your thoughts, then it might be more appropriate to revisit them, and with expert assistance, if needed.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Are there unhappy thoughts and memories that I am holding on to?
  • In what way have these unhappy thoughts and memories been affecting my mental and emotional health?
  • What can I do to improve care of myself (self-care)?



Best wishes and have a great day!