Today’s quote ought to put a smile on your face. It is cheeky, but also profound.
When you think about what makes a ‘strong woman’, words such as tough, unyielding, ball-buster, and confident, may readily come to mind. However, there are different types of strengths, some of which may contradict your first thoughts on the subject.
On the one hand, strength and being strong can mean being tough and unyielding. However, in adverse situations when that strength is tested, it may shatter or snap in two, like a tree in a storm.
On the other hand, there is strength in being able to bend, that is to have the capacity to adjust when faced with a challenge and potentially, and return to one’s original state once the pressure has abated. However, even if it doesn’t revert to its original state after an adverse experience, its integrity remains unchanged, but there may be signs that it has evolved.
In summary, strength does not have to mean feeling that you are in a contest or at war and are able to decisively beat or win a challenge. There is beauty – and strength – in being resilient: in being confident that you can adjust to challenges you are experiencing, and come out on top in the end, regardless of the outcome.
Which type of strength do you choose?
Best wishes and have a great day!