Daily Inspiration, for 6 July 2022

by | Jul 6, 2022 | Inspiration

This is a very revolutionary position to adopt because it cuts against the grain of our socialization: as society is most comfortable with those who conform. As a result, we are taught to ‘fit in’.

Throughout our school life, there was a ‘hidden curriculum’ designed to enable us to fit in with the group with which we find ourselves. However, the attitude and actions we may need to do in order to conform or fit it may be contrary to what makes us happy, feel fulfilled and true to ourselves.

The challenge though is whether we are prepared to break out of the mould that we have been socialised to fit, and are comfortable living our life on our own terms.  However, if we can unlearn or resist the tendency to conform and expression to our true selves, then life will prove to be more rewarding.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • To what degree am I conforming to my family’s or society’s expectations?
  • What are the ways in which my choices would deviate from what my community prefers?
  • How comfortable am I deviating from those expectations?



Best wishes and have a great day!