This quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the book, Eat, Pray, Love, among many others, tends to fly in the face of how we were brought up, and how we move in the world.
To a considerable degree, we have been socialised to be goal-oriented: to work towards passing an exam, completing our studies, gaining a promotion, buying a house in that neighbourhood’, etc. However, that posture suggests that we tend to apply ourselves, that is we are fully present and prepared to apply all of our skills and abilities, only when there is a goal in mind. For the rest of the time, we are okay ambling along, and more importantly, not being fully present and intentional with what is happening in our lives.
However, our lives are not made up solely of the big-ticket items, or the big goals or milestones that we believe are important and worth aspiring towards. Our lives are made up of moments – seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years – that we ought to try to live fully.
On the face of it, trying to consciously live each moment may seem exhausting and stressful, but in fact, it is the opposite. To the extent that you fully engage yourself in your life, the more expansive your life will become. You are also likely to become aware of the opportunities and grace along your path, and feel a greater sense of gratitude for the journey you are experiencing, and not just the goals you have achieved.
Best wishes and have a great day!