In reviewing today’s quote the first thing that came to mind were the following statements: “You always [fill in the blank]!”, and “You never [fill in the blank]!”
These are statements we tend to make when we are angry with someone, and they also suggest some degree of frustration. Moreover, it is likely that the individual is rigidly adhering to certain attitudes or positions that we wish they would be more flexible about.
However, what are the attitudes or positions to which we rigidly adhere? What are the things that we do or don’t do that would have someone say to us, “You always [fill in the blank]!”, or “You never [fill in the blank]!”
Although it could be argued that these ‘always’ and ‘nevers’ are principles and boundaries we all need to have, slavishly enforcing them regardless of the situation is ill-advised. There is merit in being flexible and being able to adapt to situations as or when they occur. It would thus be prudent to be prepared to evaluate a situation on its merit and decide the best course of action.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- What are my ‘always’ – the things that I always do?
- What are my ‘nevers’ – the things that I would never do?
- What can I do to limit, or strike items off, my ‘always’ list?
- What can I do to limit, or strike items off, my ‘nevers’ list?
Best wishes and have a great day!