In our societies and to a considerable degree, productivity is lauded. People are also held in high regard for burning the midnight oil, or consistently surviving on just a few hours of sleep. However, while they may be able to do so for an extended period, the truth is that our bodies are not built to take such a pounding indefinitely. Moreover, the increased productivity that we are chasing requires us to be sufficiently rested, in order for us to perform optimally.
One of the best-kept productivity secrets of many successful people is that they are early risers, meaning that they wake up either before or at dawn. They don’t loiter in bed pressing the snooze button, but get up and get their day started.
Those who consider themselves night owls, who go to bed very late at night and usually wake up very late in the day, tend to have to spend a few hours easing themselves into being productive. On the other hand, those who are able to wake up early, are able to pack more into their day and so get considerably more done.
Additional Benefits Of Waking Up Early
Although increased productivity is a distinct benefit of being an early riser, there are additional advantages including the following:
Better sleep quality: Early risers tend to make sleep a priority and so seek to ensure that they are getting enough hours of sleep, and are consistent with their sleep cycle. In doing so, they tend to sleep more deeply at night and enjoy better quality sleep. As a result, they are less tired during the day, tend to have better concentration, and are in a better mood, whilst also reducing the chances of developing chronic disease.
Better mental health: A body deprived of good quality sleep is likely to feel more stressed arising from just the overall feeling of fatigue. This fatigue has a knock-on effect and can affect a person’s mood, and increase the anxiety they feel. Additionally, individuals tend to find their ability to focus and concentrate challenged and more forgetful.
Opportunity to be more Intentional and mindful: Waking up early often means that there is scope to plan your day, or certainly the time before work begins. It does not have to be a mad dash from bed to get ready for work and to your office. Instead, time can be allocated to getting yourself ready physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the day that lies ahead. To that end, there can be time for a workout, prayer, meditation, journaling, pre-office prep and/or breakfast, depending on your life and lifestyle. The point is that with a few hours available between waking and when your work schedule starts, you can take time for yourself to be intentional with your preparation for the day, which ultimately, sets you up for success.
Tips for waking up earlier
For those who are not innate early risers, becoming an early riser takes practice. However, do not be discouraged if you slip up during the process.
Gradually make adjustments to your bedtime: In order to achieve the desired sleep schedule, go slow and make the adjustments over time. For example, if typically you go to bed at midnight and rise at six, but now wish to be sleeping between ten and five, gradually move up your bedtime and wake-up time over the course of a week or two.
Be ruthless in your wake time: When trying to wake up earlier, it is easy to hit the snooze button and find a reason to stay in bed longer. So consider ways in which you can increase your chances of success. For example, placing your alarm on the far side of the room, having an accountability buddy who will call you to ensure you’re out of bed, or scheduling an exercise session or a group run with friends soon after you wake up. The key is to find ways to motivate yourself as you try to develop this new habit.
Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep: It is important to enjoy deep and restful sleep that helps the body repair and rejuvenate. However, some of us give little thought to our bedroom and the extent to which it aids us to get the best sleep possible. To that end, the room ought to be dark, cool, quiet, with good ventilation, and you ought to have a good bed and linens that suit your taste.
Follow good sleep hygiene: To prepare for bed, avoid heavy meals and spicy foods late at night, to limit the chances of heartburn, indigestion or other discomforts. Also, limit exposure to the blue light from the screens of electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. Additionally, consider other practices that would signal to your body that you are getting ready for bed, such as having a warm shower, reading, journaling, or reviewing your day.
In summary, there are many health and productivity benefits of becoming an early riser. Those of us who already are early risers could fine-tune our routine, as it is easy to not be mindful and intentional, and so fritter away those early morning hours. For those who wish to become early risers, it does take discipline to become consistent; but there are rewards for those who persevere!
Image: jcomp (freepik)