We have all thought or have heard others around us say, “I am waiting to be inspired!” We may have a challenging situation or project that we need to tackle, but either we are unsure how to address it, or we are hoping to come up with an innovative, exciting or sexy solution. And so we are waiting for inspiration to fall into our lap to help us solve the problem.
Unfortunately, 99% of the time, we do not receive inspiration just because we want it. We have to work for inspiration.
At the very least, you may have to do some research, but more often than not, you need to act: thinking through various scenarios and starting to implement the best one.
To be clear, failure is likely, the situation may not unfold as you would have liked, and you may have to try another option, similar to a scientist running experiments. However, it is in the failures that lessons are learnt, which add to the body of knowledge that you possess and eventually may synthesise to give you a novel idea that you would not have thought of otherwise.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- Have I been waiting to be inspired to deal with a particular situation?
- In what ways can I work on the situation now?
- What are some of the lessons that I have learned from the situation to date?
- What is the outcome I am hoping for from this situation?
Best wishes and have a great day!