Daily Inspiration, for 3 August 2022

by | Aug 3, 2022 | Inspiration

When you read today’s quote, the odds are you would think it is archaic and does not reflect today’s attitudes. However, if you probe a bit more deeply, and ask yourself what are your expectations in your romantic relationships, this Ayn Rand quote may hit a bit closer to home than many of us would like to admit.

Without a doubt, many of us women have been raised on a diet of romance books and movies that have shaped our expectations of love and relationships. Further, we have also been raised to believe that our lives are not complete, and neither have we truly achieved, if we do not have a romantic partner. Hence, when we do have a partner, we may find ourselves being more accommodating than we should and essentially, doing the very thing that we might have initially scoffed at regarding today’s quote.

How you ended up there, and why you do or allow the things you do, are for you to know and understand. However, changing those behaviours will be difficult as you may have to confront some deep-seated beliefs and messaging that stem back to childhood and how you were raised.

Having said this, you are prepared to make the effort, you can change your beliefs and rewrite messaging that is no longer aligned with who you are and who you hope to be. It just takes time, commitment and effort.



Best wishes and have a great day!