Daily Inspiration, for 14 August 2022

by | Aug 14, 2022 | Inspiration

We are all aware of the belief that whatever our minds can conceive we can  achieve. As a big-wave surfer, Laird Hamilton knows a thing or two about facing intimidating situations – such as a 70-foot (or 21-meter) wave moving at 50 kilometres per hour (231 miles per hour)  – and having to confront his own self-doubt and fears. 

Although we do not have to surf a 70-foot wave, we are still riddled by doubt and criticism. We end up being our own worst enemy, as we talk ourselves out of doing the things that we know we ought to do. However, when we do so, we talk ourselves out of greatness by doubting our power, ability and determination to live up to our potential and achieve our goals.



Best wishes and have a great day!