Daily Inspiration, for 29 August 2022

by | Aug 29, 2022 | Inspiration

Change is inevitable. However, often we are resistant to change, and somehow want things to remain the same – even when we are not satisfied with the situation.

As humans, we love predictability. Even in challenging situations, if it is predictable, we can figure out how to navigate through it for our benefit. However, when there is change, it can be a source of stress, as the playbook that we had been using is no longer as reliable as it had been. 

However, one of the reasons that human beings have survived for millennia is because we can change, adapt and evolve. As much as we might believe we are ill-equipped for change, and try to resist it kicking and screaming, it is crucial that we remember that we cannot, and do not control, everything.

More importantly, we can adapt to the change – even if it is a disappointment or just the cycles of life – learn the lessons that we need to learn and move on. 



Best wishes and have a great day!