Daily Inspiration, for 1 September 2022

by | Sep 1, 2022 | Inspiration

Thanks to the ebbs and flows of life, we may experience disappointment regularly. However, every once in a while, we are faced with a situation that brings us to our knees, and from which we are not sure how well we will recover. 

These situations, like a storm, eventually subside, and we are left to deal with the aftermath. However, and to a considerable degree, picking up the pieces of our lives after a major upheaval requires conscious effort. We need to want to do so, as it is easy to remain overwhelmed by the devastation and continue to feel sorry for our loss.  

However, if we are committed to recovering, it may not be pretty in the early stages, but little by little, we will find that a metamorphosis would have occurred. We would have come back a bit older, a lot wiser, but better than ever, having successfully weathered one of life’s many storms. 

You are much stronger than you think. 


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:  

  • Am I caught in the midst of an extremely difficult situation? |  Am I dealing with the aftermath of an extremely difficult situation? 
  • What are my greatest fears of that situation?  | Have my greatest fears of that situation occurred? 
  • If my greatest fears are realised, do I have resolve to recover, to pick up the pieces and move on?   



Best wishes and have a great day!