Daily Inspiration, for 14 September 2022

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Inspiration

Gone are the days when it was only celebrities, famous athletes and people in public life who had public personas. In our social media-dominated world, we all may appreciate that there is a difference between our public life and private life.

Even if your social network number only a few dozen, you most likely put a lot of thought into what you share, and to some degree, are curating the impression people may have of you. Moreover, the images or videos that you share of your life are an edited snapshot, and in no way reflect all aspects of who you are.

Having said this, in being busy with our outer lives, and how we want to be perceived by others, we can end up neglecting our inner selves. However, your inner life does exist, but can get overshadowed by the ‘noise’ of our lives.

Hence, although we may be able to quickly identify our public and private lives and personas, we may not always know and understand what makes us tick. Our secret life is the part that is our true essence, which we have to uncover for ourselves. It is always there, but if we are not aligned with it, we can experience discord and may feel unfulfilled – even though on the outer or in our public life, we seem to be doing well.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • What aspects of myself and my life do I make public?
  • What aspects of myself and my life do I consider private?
  • What aspects of myself and my life do I consider secret?
  • How aware am I of my secret life, and to what degree are the other aspects of my life aligned with this very innermost part of myself?



Best wishes and have a great day!