Daily Inspiration, for 18 September 2022

by | Sep 18, 2022 | Inspiration

There is a difference between ‘living’ and ‘existing’.

‘Living’ suggests that an individual has goals and dreams that they are actively working to achieve. Hopefully, these dreams are not purely material in nature, but would also help them to grow and unfold, and become more fully the person they were meant to be.

‘Existing’, on the other hand, suggests that an individual is caught up in daily life. Yes, they may have dreams, but they have a routine and are focussing on the grind, and may no longer have the wherewithal to give their dreams much attention.

The sad reality is that many of us are just existing. The dreams we may have had have gotten overshadowed by our responsibilities and commitments. And though it may seem as if we have it all together, and in fact, we might be excelling at work and at home, to a considerable degree, we are operating on automatic pilot.  Moreover, although we may want the things we currently have in life, we are so busy that we may not even have the headspace to know whether we are happy and living a joy-filled life, and where the gaps might be.

Rediscovering your dreams takes time, effort and stillness. It may not necessarily be those that you had when you were much younger, as they may now need to suit how you have evolved and grown. However, your dreams can become your north star to help you move towards a more personally fulfilling life, whatever that might be.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • What are dreams?
  • To what degree is my current life helping me to achieve my dreams?



Best wishes and have a great day!