Daily Inspiration, for 27 September 2022

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Inspiration

Multitasking. The ability to perform more than one task at the same time is a skill many women possess, evidenced by the number of responsibilities they are required to juggle: wife, mother, employee, housekeeper, daughter, sister, in-law, etc. However, being able to successfully multitask does not necessarily mean that all tasks are done to perfection or to the highest level. Frequently, it just means that you are able to do enough to keep all the balls in the air.

In order to truly master a situation or a skill, or overcome a challenge, requires sustained focus – which is difficult to do when your attention must be split across several competing responsibilities. It is only when you are able to concentrate and put your full attention on an issue for an extended period of time that you will be able to unlock your greatness.

However, the sad reality is that you may be at the point in your life where you have to juggle. And so you may need to make peace with the fact that you are only able to do enough to keep things from crashing down around you. The greatness you might want to achieve in a particular area of your life may not be possible now.

And it is okay.



Best wishes and have a great day!

