Daily Inspiration, for 7 October 2022

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Inspiration

Who are you?

It seems a trivial question, but many of us struggle to answer this simple question because a big part of our self-concept comes from the outside.

From the day you were born, you were put in pink or blue, and as a girl, you were expected to be demure and submit to all male figures in your life. You are told that there are things you are not allowed to aspire towards.

Society as a whole has predetermined concepts of what is considered beautiful, which body type is most desirable, and generally, what it means to be a woman. As a matter of fact, a whole industry has developed to satisfy the demand for the reduction or augmentation of body parts.

In such an environment, it takes someone with supreme confidence to begin to face the world on their own terms. As women, we have to be willing to support our colleagues, and particularly young women, in their quest for self-definition: because all behaviours are learned.



Best wishes and have a great day!!