Daily Inspiration, for 24 October 2022

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Inspiration

Since the dawn of time, beauty has been a preoccupation of women. We have all heard about Cleopatra bathing in milk and even the use of kohl around the eyes in ancient Egypt. Today, we are just as, or even more preoccupied with our appearance – be it skincare, make-up, or both – and we have seen the changing perception of what is considered beautiful over the years.

However, as much as we have been focusing almost exclusively on our outer appearance and know all of the tips and tricks to achieve today’s standard of beauty, we sometimes overlook the impact of inner beauty and inner happiness on beauty.

We have all seen the seemingly beautiful person who is unhappy, upset, sad, tired, etc., and the way those moods are reflected in their faces – even if they are not acting in a way that highlights their mood. Yes, we may have to acknowledge that he or she possesses attributes that are considered physically beautiful, but something is missing.

That missing ingredient is usually what they are feeling on the inside, and consequently what is being communicated through their eyes.

To be clear, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they, like us, do not have any problems. It all boils down to how we choose to perceive ourselves and our situations, and whether we believe the glass is half-full or half-empty.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Do I think I am beautiful?
  • How much of my beauty is based on how I look?
  • How much do I focus on my outer appearance to mask my problems or inner turmoil?
  • What am I communicating through my eyes?



Best wishes and have a great day!!