Honouring oneself by dedicating time for self-care and reflection is a difficult concept for women in many cultures, who have been socialised to see their value in the level of service they are able to provide for their family members.
The idea of being able to decide how to allocate one’s time can be a totally foreign concept. So, it should come as no surprise we, women, whether at home or in the workplace, fall into the trap of trying to please everyone and then wonder why feel unappreciated and are suffering from burnout.
However, time is finite, and it is among our most valuable resources. It is thus vital that we have a mental shift to recognise respect time. When we do so, it helps us to develop our own agency, as we need to be more mindful about the ways we use that valuable resource, and to speak up accordingly.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- Am I someone who is punctual and works well to time?
- Do I stretch myself too thin because I cannot say no?
- To what degree do I value my time?
Best wishes and have a great day!!