Daily Inspiration, for 4 November 2022

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Inspiration

Everyone knows the feeling of anger. It is the rage we feel when we experience some form of injustice to ourselves or others. Although anger may force us to fight for change, in many instances, anger can be a seductive emotion, as it can cause our blood to pump and our bodies to release adrenaline, which can make us feel more alive and powerful than we normally do.

We may even look for reasons to become angry. However, it can be difficult to manage the negative emotions associated with anger, which in the long run, can undermine our relationships and damage our health.

Ideally, it is more beneficial to try to exist in a more balanced state of being happy, satisfied and content, and not frequent the extreme states that include anger and rage. However, maintaining a state of happiness, satisfaction and contentment tend to require conscientious effort. But to a considerable degree, you control your emotions and so you can choose to be happy or content, rather than resort to or hold on to anger.



Best wishes and have a great day!!