Daily Inspiration, for 25 November 2022

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Inspiration

With the war in Ukraine still raging, over the last several months, we have all read or watched stories of the indomitable spirit of its people: the hope, courage and confidence that they will overcome. Even in the face of a seemingly better-resourced opponent, they have been optimistic, and have had the resolve that they will win and maintain a free and independent Ukraine.

On the flip side, we have also encountered people, either in person or through books or television, who are broken: people who have lost hope, have no confidence in themselves and have lost their sense of purpose and direction. Often, these shattered people have experienced traumatic events and must now pick up the pieces of their lives, make sense of their experiences and eventually, figure out a way to move on.

Hope and confidence can move mountains in our lives. Being fearful, feeling despair or feeling pessimistic about a situation are creating the reality that is likely to happen and not what you want to achieve.

Do keep that in mind.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • How hopeful and confident am I that I will achieve the goals that I have set?
  • To what degree am I trying o use some ‘reverse psychology’ of being vague and pessimistic in my desires, in the hope that what I want will in fact occur?



Best wishes and have a great day!!