Daily Inspiration, for 9 December 2022

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Inspiration

We occasionally find ourselves being a circle in a square hole. We don’t quite conform to the status quo, such as being female in a male-dominated environment, being of a different religious denomination than the majority of society, or being from a lower or higher socioeconomic bracket than those around us. In these situations, there can be pressure to conform and try to appear more like the majority, or to passively accept the mistreatment given.

However, there is something to be said for remaining your authentic self, even if difficult situations. Even if you are not aggressive or militant, it can be a show of strength in keeping your shoulders back and head up, both literally and figuratively, as you walk through the world.

It is thus important to remember that “You teach people how to treat you.” And being yourself is the very first step.



Best wishes and have a great day!!