Daily Inspiration, for 25 December 2022

by | Dec 25, 2022 | Inspiration

To increase the chances of success, be it in business or in life, having a plan is essential. The plan acts as a guide, to help you chart your progress and ensure that you are attending to all of the important requirements that will be needed.

However, it is almost inevitable that regardless of the robustness of a plan, something unexpected but important will happen that could threaten the successful realisation of the desired outcome. Should continue to implement the plan as is? Or do you figure out how to adjust the plan to either navigate around or leverage that unexpected situation?

Being open-minded, flexible and prepared to pivot from an established plan is crucial – both in business and in life. Slavishly holding on to a plan that is no longer working may seem insane, but many of us are guilty of doing so, as we believe that if we are determined enough and stay on the path, we can change the outcome in our favour. However, when the situation doesn’t work out, we wonder why that happened, although there had been earlier opportunities to adjust to the changed circumstances.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • How willing am I to change plans when a certain desired outcome is occurring?



Best wishes and have a great day!!