Daily Inspiration, for 4 January 2023

by | Jan 4, 2023 | Inspiration

It is amazing how the dreams we had when we were young are often in no way reflected in the life we are currently living. Yes, some of those dreams were naïve and not anchored in reality, but all too often, our current life has little or no fun, magic or excitement either.

Ultimately, Amal Clooney is advocating that we aim to live our best lives so that in the end, we will have a good story to tell. As an international law and human rights barrister, who has worked on several high-profile cases, she is keen for us to challenge injustice and stand up for what we believe. And though there will most likely be opportunities for us to do so in our lives, the bigger issue is to make your life, your presence on Earth, count.

Often, it is only in retrospect that we have a sense of the impact of our life: the things we wasted a lot of time on; the things we should have valued more or have given more attention to; what were the true highlights, and what was regrettable and forgettable. But we cannot change the past. We can only act – and create a memorable life or a life that counts – in the present.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

Looking back on my life so far

  • What have been the true highlights?
  • What can I learn from my regrets?
  • What do I now realise was not worth the effort, or on which I wasted a lot of time?



Best wishes and have a great day!!