Inspirational Quote for 22 January 2023

by | Jan 22, 2023 | Inspiration

When we are in the midst of our own personal challenges, from the outside, it can appear that everyone else’s life is perfect, and we are the only ones struggling. Those assumptions can have us feeling angry and resentful, and very alone. However, you never really know what is happening on the inner or behind closed doors, and so, the burdens that those around you are carrying.

The truth is we all deal with adversity differently. For example, some take it in their stride, whilst others lash out at those around them, and some have to let the world know that they are going through a difficult time to get sympathy and commiseration.

Regardless of how you deal with the challenges you experience, it is important to remember that you have a choice in how you choose to deal with them. Further, what you choose will influence how you perceive the challenge and how the experience unfolds.

Do keep that in mind.

Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • What is my style of dealing with adversity?
  • Am I aware that even in difficult times I have a choice in how I respond to it?



Best wishes and have a great day!!