Welcome to Journey To Growth!

by | Oct 31, 2021 | General

This platform has been long in coming.

I really can’t say when the thought first emerged, but as a single woman in my forties with a bit of life experience under my belt, who also has had the opportunity to observe girlfriends, relatives and female colleagues over the years, I appreciate how challenging life can be, and more so for women.

There can be familial and societal expectations about who we should be as women. Typically, and regardless of her accomplishments, there can be a sense that unless a woman is married (or is in some way attached to a man) and has kids, her life is not a success. I must admit that a least within my family, that has not been the case – for which I am grateful. But I am acutely aware that is not the case of so many sistas. Although they may have the man and kids, and are grateful for them, they have also come at a price. In a similar vein, and for sistas like me, whose life (so far) may have unfolded in a way that did not make the husband, kids and white picket fence possible, there has also been a price to pay.

All too often, for us women, it is our self-esteem that takes the biggest hit, but in ways that may not be obvious. Yes, some of us may seem as if we have it all together, and have done well for ourselves, but yet we are still paralysed by fear, doubt and insecurities – to the point where is can even seem paradoxical or counterintuitive. So although we might look confident, and as if we have it all, we are still unkind to ourselves, we self-sabotage, and judge other women harshly as well.

But we’re smart. And we know better.

Journey to Growth is all about the journey to do better.


Becoming the best you

One of the reasons it has taken me so long to get Journey To Growth off the ground is the fact that I have felt intimidated about embarking on this journey myself. Outside of being a woman, battling my own fears, doubts and insecurities, whilst still trying to make my way in the world and life my best life, I do not feel that I am in any qualified to lead this journey. I not do I have the answers.

However, the thing that I have learned so far is, regardless of the fact that we might be someone’s parent, child, spouse, sibling, etc., the most powerful and profound relationship we should be having is with ourselves. Regardless of all of the activities, the relationships, the drama in our lives, each and every one of us is on this solitary journey. But that journey is unique for everyone, as the keys to truly unlock our fears, doubts and insecurities – for each of us to live our best life – are in the nuances:  of our attitudes, our experiences, and the unspoken prejudices and judgements, of which we might not even be aware.

I, like you, do not have all the answers, but hopefully, there is a willingness to be open, to learn, and to become a better version of who we currently are.