Daily Inspiration, for 23 November 2021

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Inspiration

What a wonderful rally cry! And a reminder that our days on this earth are connected. What we did yesterday can have an impact on today, and what we do today can affect tomorrow. However instead of being defeatist or fatalistic about it, we can be proactive and use today’s opportunities and activities to shape our tomorrows.

 Sometimes we think that the opportunities and activities in and of themselves need to be mind-blowing or auspicious, but they can also be subtle and seemingly ordinary activities in our everyday lives

Finally, it also bears mentioning that attitude counts for a lot. Being mindless or resentful whilst conducting tasks implies that we are not applying our fullest or best self to the situation at hand. Attitude is the crucial ingredient that frequently we overlook.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • In what ways can I light up tomorrow with what I’m doing today?
  • What attitude do I generally possess as I go about my day



Best wishes, and have a great day!