Daily Inspiration, for 21 December 2021

by | Dec 21, 2021 | Inspiration

Parents and guardians do take note, as today’s quote is a sobering reminder of the extent to which your actions shape the people your children become.

However, in widening the lens through which we consider this quote, it is also reminder to us adults of the fact that the people we are today have been shaped by our parents and guardians. More importantly, for many of us carry scars from childhood that we may not fully realise, and neither have we begun to process nor heal from them.

Having said this, it is never too late to address childhood trauma – even if the family member or mentor is no longer with us or is unavailable. As discussed in our recent article, Closure: Is it Myth?, there are steps we can take to help us reconcile ourselves with the difficult situations we have experienced, and if needed, to seek expert help to guide us through the process.

The key though is to get started. Also, be prepared to ask yourself the tough questions, to answer them, and to commit to the process.



Best wishes, and have a great day!