Daily Inspiration, for 22 December 2021

by | Dec 22, 2021 | Inspiration

So many of us are wearing some kind of facade or mask, in order to we project the person who we would like the world to see, and to believe we are. However, in this day and age, when everyone has a personal brand and is on social media, increasingly, it ought to be acknowledged that we cannot necessarily believe what we see.

A lot of what we see and hear has been specifically created to elicit a certain response. As a result, and for example among Millennials and Gen Zers – the first full generations of digital natives – there is an emphasis on authenticity. Authenticity matters.

In being authentic and not pretentious, means being vulnerable it’s almost inevitable. However, it is something that so many of us struggle with: the feeling of being exposed; or feeling like a failure; and the fear that those around will not only know, but may also use our weaknesses against us.

However, being vulnerable is always a risk. But is also a crucial ingredient in moving our relationships from being superficial, to ones where intimacy can be built.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • How aware am I of the masks I am wearing?
  • How comfortable am I in being vulnerable?
  • How comfortable am I in being authentic in the company of others?



Best wishes, and have a great day!