by Michele Marius | Dec 27, 2022 | Inspiration
We are social beings who thrive best in a community surrounded by others who are like us. But a feature of communal life is that we are not only compared to others but we engage in comparing ourselves with others. And in many instances, the comparison is quite...
by Michele Marius | Dec 26, 2022 | Inspiration
As a child, I was told, “Opportunity is an old man with a long white beard”. You have to recognise who he is as he approaches you and grab hold of his beard because if you allow him to pass your location, you will be unable to grab hold of him again. The moral of that...
by Michele Marius | Dec 25, 2022 | Inspiration
To increase the chances of success, be it in business or in life, having a plan is essential. The plan acts as a guide, to help you chart your progress and ensure that you are attending to all of the important requirements that will be needed. However, it is almost...
by Michele Marius | Dec 24, 2022 | Inspiration
We all have a history, our childhood and adult life so far, which has shaped who we are. As a product of those past experiences, we often follow or continue unspoken messages, attitudes and patterns of behaviour, and even may be doing so unconsciously. As a result,...
by Michele Marius | Dec 23, 2022 | Inspiration
At first glance, today’s quote might appear to be a vocabulary lesson reminding us not to use big and high-sounding words when smaller and simpler ones can suffice. Although using big and high-sounding words can make you seem intelligent, it can also come across as...
by Michele Marius | Dec 22, 2022 | Inspiration
Every so often, you are confronted with a task that not only intimidates you but has you running for the hills and doubting whether you should try to overcome that challenge at all. However, anything worth achieving will be difficult and will test your mettle. If you...