Inspirational Quote for 14 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 14 January 2023

Happiness has an important role in our lives, and often, it is one of our goals: to be happy. However, happiness can also be elusive, as we constantly encounter challenges that pull us out of our reverie or sense of contentment we had achieved. To return to our ‘happy...
Inspirational Quote for 13 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 13 January 2023

So much of life is trial and error. Never before have we faced the situations we are currently encountering. For example, we might be the first person in our family or our organisation to occupy our current position, and we are unable to identify suitable mentors to...
Inspirational Quote for 12 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 12 January 2023

All Harry Potter fans would know this quote, which Professor Dumbledore says towards the end of the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (which in some countries is known asHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone). However, how often in our...
Inspirational Quote for 11 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 11 January 2023

We are living in the golden age of women. Never before in modern history have women had the opportunities that we currently enjoy. A girl child was seen as a major liability for her family because she had to be provided for up to a certain age and then handed off to...
Inspirational Quote for 10 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 10 January 2023

Today’s quote may be a challenge to wrap your head around initially. But if you think about it, it makes sense. For example, being a good swimmer may not be particularly valuable when hiking; and being a good hiker may not be useful in the ocean. Hence when you think...
Inspirational Quote for 9 January 2023

Inspirational Quote for 9 January 2023

This is the time of year when we are making our New Year’s resolutions. As usual, the diets are in place and we have revived our gym membership, all in an effort to be healthier this year. But if we are asked to make a report on our progress in March, in many...