Daily Inspiration, for 12 October 2022

by | Oct 12, 2022 | Inspiration

If there were no repercussions if you failed, what would you do?

If you answer that question truthfully, the odds are that list would be much different from what you would do now when there would be repercussions for failure.

The sad truth is that the fear of failure, or the perceived consequences of failure, holds us back and causes us to not only make conservative decisions but also lead conservative lives. We almost never colour outside the lines or stray too far from the pack – even when the consequences may be negligible.

One of the things you may need to consider is how much have you been holding yourself back when there may be little or no negative consequence for not doing so. In holding yourself back, in not giving your very best, you are limiting not only yourself but also the outcomes of situations. You cannot give 60% of yourself, but expect 100% in return.

Having said this, we also hold ourselves back from our greatness. We are afraid of what we might be able to achieve. It is a step out of our comfort zone into the unknown, and so we do what we can not to stand out.

But there is something to be said for living up to your fullest potential and thus living your best life. But it requires courage to fully apply yourself and step into your greatness.

And it is a battle you may have to fight every day.

Best wishes and have a great day!!