Daily Inspiration, for 13 November 2021

by | Nov 13, 2021 | Inspiration

As the father of relativity, Albert Einstein may know a thing or two about the science behind keeping one’s balance on a bicycle. However, for those of us who know how to ride a bicycle, we know that we are more likely than not to fall off if it is stationary. As we try to ride the bicycle, we can adjust our balance, and so are able to ride it and move successfully.

Many years ago, I used to walk up one of the steep mountains in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. The walk was not very long. It could be completed in under an hour, but it was steep with many hairpin bends. After several months of walking the mountain, it got a bit easier, but it was never easy. However, the biggest lesson that I learned from walking up that mountain is what I believe is a metaphor for life. Similar to walking up that mountain, all you need to do in life is put one foot in front of the other to make yourself move forward. It does not have to be pretty. All you have to do is try to take one more step.

There is a saying that ‘nature abhors a vacuum’. So, if you are not progressing, you are receding. If you are not moving forward, you are moving backward, or the situation is overtaking you. If you have ever been to the beach and are standing where the waves crash onto the shore, when the waves recede, although you may be standing still, it can feel as if you are moving backwards. However, if you walk towards the water, that sense of movement moving backwards does not exist.


As best as you can, try to keep moving forward.



Best wishes, and have a great day!