Daily Inspiration, for 14 April 2022

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Inspiration

In this day and age, when ‘the self’ is being promoted, it is very easy to become so focused on one’s own agenda that we remain in the safety of our own little bubble. However, from time to time, and if we are aware, we are given opportunities that have the potential to stretch us in uncomfortable ways, or beyond what we thought possible.

Frequently, you may not be able to tell from the outset that Situation X will lead to result Y. Sometimes, it is only years later that you realise how pivotal certain situations were – though they seemed minor at the time – to the trajectory of your life and how it has unfolded.

To that end, it is important to remember to live fully, consciously and purposefully in every moment. Life can turn on a dime, and if we are not mindful, we run the risk of losing out on opportunities for growth that are all around us.



Best wishes, and have a great day!