Daily Inspiration, for 15 December 2022

by | Dec 15, 2022 | Inspiration

The decision to act usually occurs because we are dissatisfied with a given situation. But as humans, we are very reluctant to deal with change. We are creatures of habit and find it difficult to adapt to changes in our routine. It is often said the only person who welcomes change is a baby with a wet diaper.

Therefore, our decision to act usually comes after we have exhausted all our options of compromise without finding a suitable solution to our problem. However, having made the decision, often, we are second-guessing ourselves and trying to hedge our bets. But that can lead to disaster, as we are not fully committed to the choice we have made.

We must thus be prepared to stay the course and to apply ourselves fully. Yes, there might be resistance at times, but it is only when you are committed to a course that you increase the odds of having the best and more favourable outcomes.


Best wishes and have a great day!!