As women, we tend to put some effort into our appearance, especially when we are leaving our homes. We want look neat, well put together, and so increase the likelihood that, at the very least, we will receive favourable feedback or consideration from those around us.
Keeping up our physical appearance can be expensive, and can take a fair amount of effort – clothes, shoes, exercise, beauty, health fitness – which can add up, and does not include the time and effort we must allocate for work and family commitments. With our plate so full, it is easy for us to overlook our inner selves, and the inner work we ought to be doing as well.
With the right clothes, hairstyle, make-up , etc., the chances are that we can win the approval or acceptance of others, which can be validating. However, we ought not lose sight of the fact that the outer self, our appearance, is an illusion. Instead, we ought to focus on fully accepting our inner selves, as that is the essence of who we truly are.
Best wishes, and have a great day!