This quote is soberingly true. Men can be made to feel bad if they cry or are sensitive; whilst if women are assertive or tough, for example, that also tends to be frowned upon.
This posture about the sexes is quite dated, and though to a considerable degree, no longer reflects the changing norms around gender and behaviour, there are still some biases against women in many of our societies. For example, in single parent households, where women tend to be the primary caregivers, they are expected to be independent, strong and resourceful, among other qualities, in order to provide for their families. But at the same time, there is still a sense that they should (also) be submissive, weak and dependent on men. However, these two opposite ends of the spectrum tend not to be able to coexist peacefully, and at the same time.
Interestingly, and in today’s world, we – both men and women – are expected to take charge of our own lives. And so we need to become as whole as possible, which means embracing both our strengths and our weaknesses.
Best wishes, and have a great day!