As social creatures, there are written and unwritten rules that we live by in order to be accepted by groups that we are in, such as our family, friends, church, workplace, and the wider community. These rules tell us what is acceptable and what is not, in order to conform and remain a part of the herd.
Inherently, it means that you are not encouraged to be unique, to stand out, or go outside of the boundaries that have already been prescribed. If you do and depending on the severity, you may be ostracised or even exiled from a group, which can be an unpleasant, sad and unfortunate experience. Hence, to be safe, many of us opt to stand with the crowd – even if it goes against our principles or personal values.
However, to constantly conform requires an individual to put aside his or her personal values for the sake of someone else. But in doing so, it means that you are moving farther away from your own centre and truth.
Deciding not to conform, takes courage and perhaps, more importantly, a strong sense of self to adhere to your personal convictions in the face of overwhelming opposition. And that should not be taken lightly.
Best wishes and have a great day!!