On many occasions, we’re looking for a grand gestures. In our culture and society, we highlight and celebrate those who make a big and sudden achievement in a relatively short space of time, such as the person who makes it big in the stock market on a single trade, or the athlete who achieves a high score in a single game. We often fail to notice the person who has been plodding along experiencing incremental gains, but at the end of it, all has achieved considerably more than the people who are lauded as stars. Good examples of this are the people who worked as teachers, maids and janitors, who scrimped and saved and made good investments, but retired as multimillionaires.
We take the same view with miracles or opportunities. We are looking for the big ones that seemingly will transform a situation or our lives. As a result, we pay little attention to or ignore the small ones that are occur every day, because we somehow want them in flashing neon lights saying “MIRACLE/OPPORTUNITY AHEAD”. But these small opportunities can result in bigger and greater blessings than we can imagine – if only we notice and leverage them.
Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:
- Am I aware of the blessings in my life?
- Am I aware that I am surrounded by small opportunities every day?
- How might I recognise more of these opportunities in my life?
Best wishes, and have a great day!