Daily Inspiration, for 2 January 2022

by | Jan 2, 2022 | Inspiration

What a quote to start 2022!

Essentially, it is a reminder to live intentionally. So many of us get caught in the routine and rat race of life. We wake up, get ourselves and our children ready for the day, we go to work, we return home, have dinner, then space out in front of the television or online for a few hours, and then go to bed. And wake up the next day and do it all over again. Sometimes, if we step outside of ourselves and observe ourselves, we really don’t know how we ended in the life we’re living.

To be clear, the routine of your life may be necessary especially if you have children or others in your care. However, it can be quite disconcerting if to some degree, you don’t know exactly how you ended up where you are.

The life we live is in large part a result of the series of choices and decisions we have made; but many of us are not truly aware of this. As a result, and if that is the case, it could be argued that we have not been living intentionally.

This quote, which is attributed to Rihanna, is not so much about ensuring that you are living the most exciting, and adventurous life, but rather being conscious of the life you are living, and living fully in the choices you have made.



Best wishes, and have a great day!