In western society, and in the workplace generally, for example, looking ‘too feminine’ can have consequences, especially in corporate organisations. Suits, boxy outfits that not only hide your figure, but also hide your personality are the norm. And if by chance you wear a flowy dress, florals, or more ‘girly’ styles, at the very least, you are likely to raise a few eyebrows, and could possibly start to feel self-conscious. At its worse, the Human Resource Department may need to have a word with you, or you may begin to realise that you are being overlooked, or not being taken seriously by your peers.
Essentially, and even beyond the workplace example, you may start to feel apologetic for your femaleness and your femininity.
How to navigate that minefield?
It is really about understanding the circumstances in which you are in, and their boundaries, in order to start to figure out how much you might be able to push those boundaries .
To be clear, fashion is just one way to express your femaleness and femininity. Essentially, take the opportunity to walk in your truth, to make your presence felt, and to bring your truth into situations.
You are woman. You are female. Own it.
Best wishes and have a great day!