Daily Inspiration, for 20 November 2021

by | Nov 20, 2021 | Inspiration

Through this quote, I am reminded of peer pressure, which we usually think of as something children and teenagers experience. However, we adults are also subject to it. Based on our profession, who our family is, or just the fact we are female, there can be a whole lot of expectations it is assumed we will meet.

However, are these expectations aligned with who we are and who we want to be? Sadly, some of us do not know who we are outside of the expectations of others. We have fully internalised them, and in some instances, we may realise that we are not fulfilled, feel that something is missing, are not truly happy within ourselves, but don’t know why.

Frequently, being a woman means wearing many masks: that of the dutiful daughter; the accommodating wife or partner; the generous parent; etc. Although it does not necessarily mean that our true self is completely opposite from the masks we are wearing, there might be nuances or aspects of ourselves that we have been suppressing, in order to keep those masks on. But projecting those masks can be tiring work, and through it all, our true self becomes even smaller in the process.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • What masks am I wearing?
  • How different am I from the masks I have been wearing?
  • How might how might I be able to be more of myself – to show people and myself more of who I really am?



Best wishes, and have a great day!