Daily Inspiration, for 21 May 2022

by | May 21, 2022 | Inspiration

We have all done it. When we want something, or have something to do, we have decided to wait until the situation is ‘more perfect’. So we hear ourselves saying, “Now is not a good time. I will wait until X, before I do Y.”

Although there can be merit to waiting until better conditions occur, often, the most optimal conditions never happen. More importantly, we sometimes use the situation we are in as an excuse or a reason to procrastinate and not to act.

However, there is merit in doing the best you can in the circumstances as they exist, that is, to work within the current situation, instead of trying to seek the perfect conditions in an imperfect world.


Throughout the day, we invite you to revisit this quote. Below are a few questions you may wish to ask yourself, and those who journal may find them especially useful:

  • Do I use the fact that circumstances are not perfect as a reason to procrastinate?
  • Do I always seek to do the best I can in any situation?
  • Am I prepared to accept the results of a particular situation, if I did my best under the circumstances?



Best wishes and have a great day!