Daily Inspiration, for 23 April 2022

by | Apr 23, 2022 | Inspiration

To varying degrees, we all crave excitement. And we know people who could be described as ‘thrill-seekers’: those who shun monotony and routine, and whose every day, is filled with drama – be it self-inflicted or otherwise. However, we are all likely to agree that although excitement and the unexpected adventure is welcomed, life also requires routine and consistency – especially when raising children. Hence, the sympathy, and even disdain, your thrill-seeking friends might regard your life is in fact necessary, in order to fulfil much of the responsibilities and commitments you have.

Today’s quote is thus a reminder of the fact that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. Yes, your life might not be as exciting as you had planned or hoped, but it is necessary. More importantly, it is what you do consistently that defines who you are.

Having said this, the question that begs asking is, “Are you living intentionally and with purpose?”

Many of us fall into the trap of living on autopilot, because our daily life is so filled with routine – to the point it can appear that we just phone in our response. However, even in the predictable-ness of our lives, it is still important to be present and to do your very best.



Best wishes and have a great day!